presentations 🗣

Contact me for any handouts or slides!

All my presentations divided into

Invited talks

  1. TBC
    Núria Bosch, Theresa Biberauer
    Linguistics Seminars (Università degli Studi di Padova)
  2. Emergent syntactic categories and increasing granularity: a multilingual corpus study
    Núria Bosch, Theresa Biberauer
    Lectures on Information Structure (LISTEN group, KU Leuven), 2 December
  3. The case of Rita: incipient expressive negation in Catalan and Spanish proper nouns?
    Núria Bosch
    Romance Linguistics Circle (RoLinC) (University of Cambridge and University of Newcastle), 15 October
  4. How do syntax trees develop? Insights from multilingual child data and categorial granularity
    Núria Bosch
    St John’s College Linguistics Society (University of Cambridge), 20 November
  5. Emergent grammars and the dynamics of language acquisition: an application of Dynamical Systems Theory to grammar construction
    Núria Bosch
    CRISSP Seminar (KU Leuven), 14 December


  1. Categorial Acquisition by Differentiation: the acquisition of the left periphery and implications for categorisation
    Núria Bosch, Theresa Biberauer
    Talk at Brussels Conference on Generative Linguistics (BCGL) 17 (KU Leuven), 12-13 December
  2. On another topic, how do acquisition orders vary? The left periphery and topicalisation in bilingual and monolingual acquisition
    Núria Bosch, Theresa Biberauer
    Poster at 49th Boston University Conference on Language Development (BUCLD) (Boston), 7-10 November
  3. Is there scope for scope in morphophonological rule induction?
    Núria Bosch, Bert Vaux
    Poster at the 2024 Annual Meeting on Phonology (AMP) (Rutgers University), 1-3 November
  4. Not all topics are equal: syntactic complexity and its effect on the acquisition of left-peripheral structures
    Núria Bosch, Theresa Biberauer
    Poster at the 55th Annual Meeting of the North East Linguistic Society (NELS 55) (Yale University), 17-18 October
  5. Emergent syntactic categories and increasing granularity: evidence from a multilingual corpus study
    Núria Bosch, Theresa Biberauer
    Talk at 16th Generative Approaches to Language Acquisition Conference (GALA16) (NOVA University of Lisbon), 12-14 September
  6. Categorial differentiation as a representational manifestation of recursion
    Núria Bosch
    Talk at The Recursion Workshop (University of Cambridge), 18 June
  7. The case of Rita: incipient expressive negation in Catalan and Spanish proper nouns
    Núria Bosch
    Talk at Workshop on Functional categories, dimensions of meaning, and expletiveness (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona), 12-14 June
  8. Emergent syntactic categories and increasing granularity: evidence from a multilingual corpus study
    Núria Bosch, Theresa Biberauer
    Talk at 49º Incontro di Grammatica Generativa (IGG) (University School for Advanced Studies IUSS Pavia), 22-23 February
  9. The case of Rita: expressives and negative indefinites in Catalan and Spanish
    Núria Bosch
    Poster at 32nd Conference of the Student Organisation of Linguistics in Europe (ConSOLE 32, Queen Mary University of London), 17-19 January
  10. Emergent syntactic categories and increasing granularity: evidence from a multilingual corpus study
    Núria Bosch, Theresa Biberauer
    Talk at 48th Boston University Conference on Language Development (BUCLD) (Boston), 2-5 November
  11. Acquiring (illocutionary) complementisers: preliminary insights from child Catalan and Spanish, and beyond
    Núria Bosch
    Talk at Brussels Conference on Generative Linguistics (BCGL) 16 (KU Leuven), 5-6 October
  12. Acquiring (illocutionary) complementisers: preliminary insights from child Catalan and Spanish, and beyond
    Núria Bosch
    Talk at LingO 2023 Oxford Postgraduate Conference in Linguistics (University of Oxford), 15 September
  13. Acquiring (illocutionary) complementisers: preliminary insights from child Catalan and Spanish, and beyond
    Núria Bosch
    Talk at Annual Meeting of the Linguistics Association of Great Britain (LAGB; Anglia Ruskin University), 29 August - 1 September
  14. On partial pro-drop patterns in Dinka
    Núria Bosch
    Talk at ULAB Annual Conference 2023 (University of Manchester), 9 April
  15. Dynamics in acquisition: approaching emergence, generativism and grammar construction with Dynamical Systems Theory
    Núria Bosch
    Talk at ULAB Annual Conference 2022 (University of Edinburgh), 13 April


  1. Not all topics are equal: syntactic complexity and its effect on the acquisition of left-peripheral structures
    Núria Bosch
    Syntax Square (MIT), 5 November
  2. On another topic, how do acquisition orders vary? The left periphery and topicalisation in bilinguals
    Núria Bosch
    Cambridge Processing and Acquisition of Language (CamPAL; University of Cambridge), 20 May
  3. On another topic, how do acquisition orders vary? The left periphery and topicalisation in bilinguals
    Núria Bosch
    SyntaxLab (University of Cambridge), 7 May
  4. Rita cares about grammar: peculiar phenomena in the grammaticalisation of expressive negative indefinites
    Núria Bosch
    SyntaxLab ’Grammar, grammar everywhere’ session (University of Cambridge), 17 October
  5. Sprouting in the emergence of syntax: a corpus study on child Catalan and German
    Núria Bosch
    SyntaxLab (University of Cambridge), 31 January
  6. Emergence, Complexity and Developing Grammars: a reinterpretation from a Dynamical Systems perspective
    Núria Bosch
    SyntaxLab (University of Cambridge), 8 February
  7. The case for Maximise Minimal Means: linguistic and general-cognitive perspectives
    Theresa BiberauerNúria Bosch
    SyntaxLab (University of Cambridge), 16 November


  1. Not all complementisers are late: a first look at the acquisition of illocutionary complementisers in Catalan and Spanish
    Núria Bosch
    Poster at Commemorative conference for the 50th anniversary of the founding assembly of the International Association of Catalan Language and Literature (AILLC) (Fitzwilliam College, University of Cambridge), 15 July
  2. Not all complementisers are late: a first look at the acquisition of illocutionary complementisers in Catalan and Spanish
    Núria Bosch
    Poster at CreteLing (University of Crete, MIT), July

General audience

  1. Mind the Gap: why early syntactic categories do not always have direct adult counterparts and why emergence matters in language acquisition
    Núria Bosch
    Talk at Samuel Butler Room Graduate Research Symposium (St John’s College, University of Cambridge), 12 November